
This is what you came here looking for. These are the building blocks of leadership and the foundation to your success. If this seems generalized, that’s because it is! The essence of leadership begins with emptying your cup and starting anew.



Sometimes, in order for us to deliver what others need, we must “walk a mile in their shoes” and see things from their perspective. Before we become leaders, we are all followers. I will help you relearn the art of true followership.

This is the core model here at The Golden Leader. When all else fails, bring it back to this tried and true method.



Communication is one of the most important factors in leadership, and there is a fine balance here. There is also a LOT to learn when it comes to this subject, but it is a skill which can be mastered if diligent study and practiceare applied.

Adaptive Leadership


This is one of the areas where cookie-cutter leadership books and programs fail. You will see and hear many things about exactly how to lead your team to greatness if you pay for a book or do some internet leadership video binging. Everyone has a fool-proof system to bring out “The best leader you can be!”. I will teach you all about how to be a truly adaptive leader without losing the core leadership principles and your sense of self.



No leadership challenge is too big or too small. If you have a question about something you think is out of my realm of expertise, head on over to the Contact page and send it my way…I may just surprise you.