Who I Am


Damon Howell

I spent 20 years in the United States Air Force. During that time, I grew from a follower, leading no one at all, to eventually becoming the senior enlisted leader an organization of 1,000 members. I have worked with foreign military department leaders, advised U.S. military leadership at many levels, and have transitioned to a leader in the civilian world as the Chairman of the Board for a non-profit entity. Throughout all this, I never lost sight of my mother’s advice, the crux of The Golden Leader model: Treat others the way you would like to be treated.

I should clarify that I am not The Golden Leader…The Golden Leader is a philosophy on leadership I have developed over the past 22 years. It is a way of thinking which, when embodied, can help bring out the best of your leadership potential.




Master’s in Business Administration - Western Governor’s University, 2023

Certification in Applied Diversity Equity & Inclusion Strategies - Brown University, 2023

Bachelor’s in Interdisciplinary Studies - Liberty University, 2019

Certification in Enterprise Management, Honor Graduate - Joint Special Operations University, 2019

Air Force Senior Non-Commissioned Officer Academy - Air University, 2018

Air Force Non-Commissioned Officer Academy - Air University, 2012

Air Force Airman Leadership School, Distinguished Graduate - Air University, 2006

Professional Affiliations

National Society for Leadership & Success - 2023 to present

Society for Human Resources - 2022 to present

Anchorage Society for Human Resources - 2022 to present

Air Commando Association - 2009 to present